Sunday, October 16, 2011

Liberal Cable’s Tea Party Movement?

I complete agree with Politico’sassessments.  The liberal media labels the Tea Party activists asracists and several members of the liberal congress apparently comparedthem to terrorists, while the republics maintain the Tea Party activistswant accountability regarding government spending, a limited government,and a balanced budget.

And now…the roles are reversed.

The conservatives have labeledthe participants in the “Occupy Wall Street” protests as crazy, whackedout loons who don’t have jobs or are bitter because they cannot find ajob, hate capitalism, and are “Un-American”. 
The liberals and the conservativesare mirror images of each other in the way they are acting the only differenceis the promotion of different agendas. 
The Medias reactions to these events,does in fact, make it appear that the cable news networks are promotinga specific agenda instead of just reporting the facts.  The liberalsseem to attack stories that support the conservative point of view andthe conservatives appear to attack stories that support the liberal pointof view.  It’s frustrating for those of us who want to make informeddecisions. 
Most Americans obtain their newsfrom a sole-source network.  If you want fairness and balance youneed to research all sides of the story in order to make an informed opinion. Some people don’t have the time nor the desire to do this…wouldn’tit be great if a news source used facts instead of sensationalism  asa way to keep/attract more viewers?

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